Monday, 12 November 2012

Breaking the routine

Every experience you have throughout your life is stored in an emotional bank which you will later draw on to sidestep  hazardous potholes . Whether you opt for early-retirement, are forced to retire due to sickness or redundancy, or have been meticulously planning your exit from full-time employment for decades, it is impossible to predict the emotional obstacles awaiting you. 

However, regardless of your personal circumstances, the positive mindset you will need to overcome these obstacles remains the same; and the self-belief you need to know that you are entitled to be happy, healthy,  attractive and loved is also – you guessed it – the same. 

A perfect quote to sum this up:

“Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson  

You may find that following the advice on having a great sex-life and boosting your health in retirement through focusing on ‘that magic three’ becomes impossibly difficult because of the stresses surrounding the lead up to retirement, the actual process of leaving work and adapting your own lifestyle and your relationship to these changes. 

After selling my business I did a great job of staying positive for about twenty minutes, before remembering that there was still five days to go before the dreaded event; the night that confirms that you did actually retire, and it wasn’t all just a strange and terrifying dream: the retirement party.